2023-24 Season
*2024-25 Season
-Youth program open to Grade School-Jr High athletes new to volleyball, working on skills, preparing for tryouts.
-Focus on skill development, court movement and teamwork.
-Non-competitive, no cut team.
-Session Dates: 2023-2024
Session #1- Sept 8, 15, 22, 29; Oct 6, 20, 27 *No class Oct 13
Session #2- Nov 3, 10, 17, 24; Dec 1, 8, 15 *No class Dec 22, 29
Session #3- Jan 5, 12, 19, 26; Feb 2, 9, 23 *No class Feb 16
Session #4- March 2, 9, 16, 23; April 6, 13, 20 *No class March 30
Locations: 1) Good Samaritan Health & Wellness Center- 3551 Highland Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Maps & Directions
2) ARC- Athletic Recreation Center- 8201 Janes Ave, Woodridge, IL 60517 Maps & Directions
-Cost- $175
–Online Registration Form

12U Full Season Teams
-Team name- 12 Black, 12 Adidas
-Proposed Practice Days: Mon/Thurs
-Proposed Practice Time: 6-8pm
-Season- Nov-April
-Location: ARC Recreation Center- 8201 Janes Ave, Woodridge, IL 60517 Maps & Directions
–Season Calendar
-Tournaments: Power League, Local dates & IPV Invites
-Proposed Tournament Dates: 12/8, 12/14 IPV Invite, 1/11-12, 2/1-2, 3/22-23, 4/5, 4/13, 4/26 IPV Invite
-Holiday Breaks- Thanksgiving Break- 11/27-29; Christmas Break- 12/23-1/3; Spring Break-3/31-4/4
-Player Dues- $1500 (covers coaches, practice, tournaments)
–New Player Uniform- jerseys, spandex, practice tees, warm-up jacket, backpack, knee pads, ball
Returning Player Uniform- jersey, practice tees
–Club Season Paperwork
12U Winter (Partial Season) Players
*Partial season players will be integrated into a full season team and will have the option of continuing into the spring season if they choose or may leave when Winter season ends in January.
-Team: 12 Adidas
-Proposed Practice Days: Mon/Thurs
-Proposed Practice Time: 6-8pm
-Season- Nov -Jan
-Location: ARC Recreation Center- 8201 Janes Ave, Woodridge, IL 60517 Maps & Directions
–Season Calendar
-Proposed Tournaments: 12/8, 12/14 IPV Invite, 12/15, 1/5, 1/25,
–Team Page– tournaments, directions, results, pictures
-Holiday Breaks- Thanksgiving Break- 11/27-29; Christmas Break- 12/23-1/3
-Player Dues- $750 (covers coaches, practice, tournaments)
–New Player Uniform- jerseys, spandex, practice tees, warm-up pullover, backpack, knee pads, ball
Returning Player Uniform- jersey, practice tees
–Club Season Paperwork
12U Spring (Partial Season) Teams
*Partial season players will be integrated into a full season team for the Feb-April season.
-Proposed Practice Days: Mon/Thurs
-Proposed Practice Time: 6-8pm
-Season- Feb-April
-Location: ARC Recreation Center- 8201 Janes Ave, Woodridge, IL 60517 Maps & Directions
–Season Calendar
-Proposed Tournaments: 3/8, 3/22, 3/13, 3/26 IPV Invite, 3/27
-Holiday Breaks- Spring Break- 3/31-4/4
-Player Dues- $750 (covers coaches, practice, tournaments)
–New Player Uniform- jerseys, spandex, practice tees, warm-up jacket, backpack, knee pads, ball
Returning Player Uniform- jersey, practice tees
–Club Season Paperwork