Asics Championship Advance Spectator Pass Order Form

Use form provided here to order:
3-day passes for 6/7, 8, 9- $40 each
2-day passes for 6/10, 11- $30 each
Passes (wristbands) will be distributed at practice when they arrive.
Passes may also be purchased by cash only at the tournament.

ORDERS DUE BY Friday April 12th
*Click here to confirm receipt of your order

*3-Day Pass can only be used for the Fri/Sat/Sun dates. *Players do not need passes to enter.
All orders are payable upon receipt of IPV Invoice. Tickets distributed at practice prior to Navy Pier.
*2-day Pass can only be used for the Mon/Tues dates. *Players do not need a pass to enter.
All orders are payable upon receipt of IPV Invoice. Tickets distributed at practice prior to Navy Pier.
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